What To Know About Glazing Trade Licence

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      About the Glazing Licence

      A glazing licence is beneficial for glaziers. It assures clients that you are a professional in the field and it allows you to operate legally and freely within your state or territory.
      Essentially, the credibility a licence provides will open the door to lucrative employment opportunities.

      Each state has specific requirements regarding the qualifications you need to practice your trade. Firstly, find out if the state in which you want to work issues a specific glazing licence, and find out the requirements. In most cases, you will need to meet the qualifications the state requires of building practitioners. In most states, a nationally recognised MSF30413 Certificate III in Glass & Glazing (specialising in Glazing) or LMF30611 qualification from a registered training organisation (RTO) or an equivalent qualification will be sufficient. Most often, the following successfully completed qualifications will also suffice:
      • Certificate III in Glass, Flat, TAFE course #0109
      • Certificate III in Glass and Glazing, TAFE course #2135
      • LMF30602 Certificate III in Glass & Glazing
      • TAFE Qualification 5792 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing, Trade TAFE course #7958
      Most of the qualifications above would require not only glass installation experience, but also manufacturing. Therefore, you should be familiar with the operations within a glass production or manufacturing facility. Highly experienced individuals who do not have the above qualifications from TAFE, RTOs, or schools, may consider a glazing apprenticeship under a licensed glazier, or pursue an equivalent qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). RPL takes into account your existing skills and experience to help save time, effort and money, while fast tracking your qualification process. It is ideal for individuals who are already working in the industry. Please contact your state’s licensing body for up to date information as requirements do change. Skills Certified Australia is not an RTO or licensing body.

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