What To Know About Concreting Trade Licence

      Elevate your career with RPL

      Concreting Trade Licence Facts

      The purpose of a licence in the building and construction sector is to identify a business and to safeguard both the tradesperson and the client. Tradespeople must have the appropriate licences in accordance with state or territorial licencing rules in order to do any concreting or building work. Each state has its own licencing requirements. Despite the differences in state and territorial rules, all concreters are required to adhere to nationally recognised norms and regulations.

      To do any general concreting work, building contractors must possess a concreting licence. Concreters who don’t have a licence could be subject to harsh penalties.

      Below, we provide guidelines for applying for a concreting license in your chosen state.

      Licensing procedures vary by state or territory, which means that some states licence concreters individually, while other jurisdictions categorise it under the building trade. In most cases, states will require a concreter to complete an apprenticeship with a licensed concreter, as well as one of the following:

      Individuals who do not have a formal qualification may have obtained significant concreting skills and experience, in which case they may receive qualification equivalent skills recognition through a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process. RPL will open up the same licensing and employment opportunities as the above qualifications.

      Please contact your state’s licensing body for up to date information as requirements do change. Skills Certified Australia is not an RTO or licensing body.

      Getting your concreting trade licence is an easy process with Skills Certified Australia! The first step to a licence is getting a certification.

      By evaluating your skills through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process, can have a variety of career and lifestyle benefits. Skills Certified Australia is your partner in your educational and career development goals. When you choose to advance your career with us, you have access to specialised information from our experts and our network of partner Registered Training Organizations (RTOs). We have specialised experts who concentrate on your unique experience to help you obtain a certification as quickly and easily as possible.

      Before you can begin using Recognition of Prior Learning, there are a few boxes to check. The industry you work in, the sort of qualification you want, and any relevant formal or informal past learning will all affect your eligibility. Skills Certified Australia can help you recognise your own experiences and identify the gaps in your learning. And then you can take necessary steps to completing your certification. Once the eligibility criteria is met, you can apply for a licence.

      At Skills Certified Australia, the method of getting a certification is simple. We assess your skills, evaluate your experience, fill the gaps in your skill set, and get you certified. You can find specific information by state below.

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