Many international applicants overlook Australia’s rich continued education system. This is a shame, as the right certification can open doors at home, offering you opportunities you couldn’t get anywhere else. If you’re coming here to work and are looking to improve your employment prospects, a recognition of prior learning is the way to go. In this blog, we’ll break down why it’s a great idea and what you can accomplish with it. Read on and be better prepared for your time in our country.

Recognising your skills, not your qualification

If you’ve found that your qualification is not recognised or as respected in Australia as it was in your home country, don’t despair. While it can be disheartening to find that you won’t be able to step immediately into an equivalent position in Australia, there is an easy solution. A recognition of prior learning program is fantastic in this situation as instead of assessing you as a qualification, it assesses you as a person with skills. Part of the process is determining what you know and matching it up to an equivalent certificate, then identifying the gaps in your knowledge and recommending courses to help fill them in.

A faster route to a productive certification

The recognition of prior learning process is a lot faster – and a lot cheaper – than a tertiary course. If you’re here to take up a profession and have already had some exposure to the industry back in your country, you’ll be surprised how many months and thousands of dollars you can save. Where a certificate will probably have you treading over stuff you already know over multiple years, an RPL process can only take a few months from initial assessment through additional study and onwards to completion.

Affordable and flexible

If you’re an existing worker who has decided that they need a bit of extra education, choosing individual study courses is a lot cheaper than committing to an entire course. Not only will you have an overall reduced tuition cost, you’ll likely to be able to work throughout your study as taking one or two courses won’t interfere nearly as much as a full semester. If you’re interested in learning more about the RPL process and how it can benefit international students, contact Skills Certified today to learn more.