The workplace is a very tough environment. There’s plenty of competition, from tech-savvy beginners to motivated individuals who know the steps for career advancement. If you feel that you’re being left out, maybe you should assess your current skills and think of upskilling. You might be moping because you’re always overlooked for salary increases and promotions. You could also be thinking that the organisation does not care about the contributions you’ve made throughout the years. You might be feeling anxious over job security and thinking of finding another job. More often than not, the reason is that you have grown complacent and thought that what you know right now is more than enough for your company to recognise your talents and capabilities. If you are in this position, it’s worth rethinking the situation.

Take action

Take positive action to advance in your career. The most effective way is to upskill. This means you seek ways to develop new skills that will make current or future employers take notice. A variety of short courses is available and many of them could be taken online or during weekends, so you do not need to take time off from work to attend classes. Imagine you are a very talented IT professional, but you lack people skills that are critical to workplace communication and success. Primarily, these include skills in team leadership or in negotiation. You might not be that savvy when it comes to business writing. Most employers today look for well-rounded individuals. These short, almost specialised courses will provide you with basic qualifications and practical skills. They’ll also formalise your skills, which look better in your CV than just saying that you gained your skills from your long years of experience. Prospective employers look positively on this, for it is an indication that you are motivated, open to change and flexible as well.


Skills Australia says that in the coming years, workers would need additional qualification, especially degree and diploma qualifications. Fields where demand for skills is highest are in sales and administration, trades, vocational and university teaching, welfare and community services, computer and technical services and in insurance and finance. If you are a beginner or seeking new employment, you should check out the needed skills in the ads for jobs you like. If you lack the skills prospective employers are looking for, think of further study to enhance your chances.