In a new national review of the education industry, tradies are now being encouraged to switch careers and share their skills in the classroom. The changes come from Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham, who believes “[t]eachers who have been working in other jobs can be a great way for students to learn about life after school and the different options open to them.”
Tradies across the nation can expect a more streamlined registration process for becoming a teacher, having to undergo an assessment in order to deem whether they are qualified to stand before the children and impart their skills.
Current qualifications required for teaching
There are various types of teaching roles available in Australia. Most require, at the very least, a diploma of education, yet there are many that demand an undergraduate teaching degree to be deemed qualified. Many opponents to the national review are concerned this will change, putting the education of our children at risk, however it has been outlined that teachers within early childhood, school and vocational education will continue to uphold relevant, if not modified, qualifications.
Why should tradies take on teaching?
Approximately half of the Australians who possess a teaching degree don’t actually work in the education sector. With this trend continuing into the future, our nation could be seeing a teacher shortage similar to the worker shortage currently plaguing the trades industries.
Senator Birmingham has said that if tradies undertake teaching roles, they may be able to change perceptions of many young Australians and encourage students to pursue vocational education. This could work as solutions to both industry shortages, as tradies no longer satisfied with their work can fill vacant teaching roles, and students, who may have continued along the pattern of undertaking unused teaching degrees, could find a passion with trades, thanks to the influence of their new teacher.
The Value of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
If you have any trade or skill-based experience outside of Australia, and would like to transition into the teaching industry, it is important you are recognised by Australian industry standards. In order to be considered eligible to move into teachings under the new educational review, an assessment will be made on your working history to deem if you are qualified to undertake the role. Given the divergences of industry standards between nations, as well as the protests from opponents to the educational review calling for strict qualifications, it will be greatly beneficial to your application if you have obtained Recognition of Prior Learning. Skills Certified offer an easy 60 seconds skills check to help you ascertain qualification quickly.