When you have received your qualification with the assistance of Skills Certified Australia you can apply for a variety of different jobs! Going to your next job interview can be scary, but don’t worry! Preparation is key when going to an interview and it is your time to shine and show potential new employers the best you have to offer, so be sure to make the most out of it! Here are 8 easy tips for you to follow:

1. Research

Look up the people who will interview you and make sure you know the content of the job. When the employers see that you have put effort in to research, it shows your interest in the job. So do your homework and give answers rooted in data.

2. Prepare your responses

Of course, you can’t 100% predict the questions they will ask you, but in most cases you can pretty much guess. Your goal is to determine what you’ll be asked and to compose detailed yet concise responses that focus on specific examples and accomplishments. A good tip for remembering your responses is to put them in a story format that you can re-tell in the interview.

3. Dress to impress

In most businesses looking smart is a given criteria so think about what you will wear. Some places do have a more relaxed attitude, but you cannot go wrong with conventional office wear to create a strong professional first impression. Keep accessories and jewellery to a minimum but remember that it is better to be overdressed than under.

4. Make good first impressions

Smile! A must do rule whilst being interviewed is to smile and can be a powerful tool at a first meeting. Even if you are nervous, make sure you smile because it will make sure you come across friendly and relaxed. Also, be polite and offer warm greetings to everyone you meet.

5. Arrive on time, relaxed and prepared

There is no excuse for ever arriving late to an interview. Make sure you allow enough time to get there and try to arrive at least 15 minutes early. This will give you time to get settled and complete any additional paperwork they may ask you to fill in. Arriving early is also a good opportunity to observe the dynamics of the workplace.

6. Ask questions

Never say you have nothing to ask at the interview. Studies continually show that employers make a judgment about an applicant’s interest in the job by whether or not the interviewee asks questions. It might make you seem disinterested if you don’t, so always have a few questions in mind and prepared in advance. This shows that you have done your research and that you are curious.

7. End positively

When the interview is approaching an end try to conclude on a positive note. This could be as simple as saying ‘I look forward to hearing from you’. Ask about the next steps in the process and the timetable in which the employer expects to use to make a decision about the position.

8. Thank the interviewers

Whether you thank them in person, by email or by post, it doesn’t matter as long as you do thank them. This won’t get you a job offer, but doing so will definitely give you an edge over any other finalists who didn’t bother to send a thank-you note.