If you’re in the building and construction industry you might be ready for a change or looking to progress your career. Whatever your goals it’s always good to align yourself with industry changes to make sure your growth and development has longevity and will help you build a bright future. Here are a few key ways you can take advantage of industry growth trends and set yourself up for success.

Get your builder’s license to take advantage of residential growth

After a few years of decline in residential building, the construction industry is projecting an upswing in residential projects in 2021-22, particularly in renovations. In many major cities, it’s already hard to find a builder for residential projects and the market for smaller building businesses is strong. If you’re a competent and experienced builder there are plenty of opportunities on the horizon to contract yourself out or start your own business.

To get your builders license you need to have the right qualifications, but if you don’t have existing certification Recognition of Prior Learning is a great way to get certified without further study.

Look for experience in infrastructure

Where the private sector took a major hit in 2020 and maybe more conservative with investment in 2021, government infrastructure is set to continue on its resilient growth and investment path. Major infrastructure projects in Sydney and Melbourne including the $15.5 Billion Sydney Metro City and Southwest Project, the $11 billion Melbourne Metro Rail Project and the $10 billion Melbourne-to-Brisbane Inland Rail project are just a few of the projects pushing infrastructure jobs and, in turn, stimulating the economy.

To take advantage of this area look for jobs in your field in infrastructure to build essential experience and safeguard your future. If you’ve got experience in management consider getting your existing skills certified to be as competitive as possible in the infrastructure sector.

Upskill in modular and prefabrication building

It might have taken a while to build a solid market here in Australia but the growing demand for cheaper and faster manufacturing is boosting the growth for prefab technologies. While prefab and modular building currently only equates to 3.5 per cent of the Australian market it’s expected to double over the coming years potentially bringing in tens of thousands of jobs.

Whether you’re a builder, engineer, electrician or construction worker seek out opportunities to work on prefab projects to take full advantage of new opportunities and technologies.

Certify your workplace safety and compliance knowledge

In the COVID-normal world of 2021 health and safety are emerging as priorities for new contractors. Major construction projects are needing to develop more complex, detailed health and safety strategies to manage their compliance obligations. This means the demand for certified WHS officers and safety compliant contractors is growing.

If you already have experience and unofficial training in these areas get certified in Work Health and Safety with RPL to help you stand out from the crowd.

To find out more about RPL or to get started call our team on 13 17 75 or leave your details on our enquiry form.