Structural is a career that offers a ton of variety, from structural landscaping and building to creating beautiful outdoor spaces with a range of materials. It’s no wonder the structural landscaping industry has grown significantly throughout Australia over the last decade.

If you want to take advantage of this growth, you’ll need to obtain a structural landscaping trades licence. Obtaining a licence isn’t as complicated as you think, especially if you already have some industry experience.

What is a structural landscaping licence?

A structural landscaping licence is issued by your state or territory’s relevant building authority and confirms that you have the required knowledge and skills to work safely as a structural landscaper in various residential or commercial areas. This might include designing gardens, building pergolas and decks, landscaping involves building structural elements in residential, commercial and industrial gardens. It includes hardscapes such as paving, retaining walls and structural features such as entranceways and water features.

The Benefits of Having a Structural Landscaping Licence

Having a structural landscaping licence not only allows you to practise structural landscaping professionally and legally but also provides peace of mind for customers that they are making an informed choice when selecting their structural landscaper. Customers can be confident that all works will be completed according to industry standards, while practitioners benefit from improved job security and legal protection should any disputes arise.

With a trades licence, you also have more career options. You can choose to work for an established structural landscaping business or set up your own.

How to Get Your Structural Landscaping Licence

Each state in Australia has specific requirements regarding the qualifications necessary to practise your trade. In most cases, you’ll need a nationally recognised qualification from a registered training organisation (RTO) or an equivalent qualification.

Nationally recognised qualifications for the structural landscaping licence could include:

How to get a licence once you’re certified

Once you’ve received your nationally recognised qualification, you’ll need to apply for a structural landscaping licence from the building authority in your state. The application process varies between states, but generally requires evidence of your qualifications and overall experience as well as a signed agreement with the relevant governing body or regulator.

Find out more about how to get your licence and the specific requirements for each Australian state and territory.