In this article, we gather some tips to help you find the best job opportunities out there.

Update Your Profiles

Whether you have a LinkedIn profile or a Seek profile, when looking for better opportunities it is important that you constantly update them to reflect your skills and experience. Recruiters and hiring managers are always browsing active profiles looking for candidates that best suit the role they are looking to fill. So, make sure you include all your new experiences and any type of certification as well as awards and recognition you get at work to make a good impression.

Networking Events

Another great way to find opportunities, is to put yourself out there by attending networking events. These events are usually full of well-known industry players and companies on the front line of growth and innovation. This gives you a great opportunity to learn about all the available options in your industry and increase your contact base. That way, when an opportunity pops up in places, your contacts will know to get in touch with you.

Target Your Favourite Companies

If you have companies that you would love to work for, start making your mark with that organisation. Whether that is through making contact with their employees, engaging with their social media posts or sharing the articles they post with commentary of your own. The more you put yourself out there, the more likely they are to take notice of you.


Sometimes, the company you would like to work for might not have an opening. However, there is no harm in getting in touch with them to ask if they might consider taking on internships. This is a great way for you to learn more about the company and for them to learn more about you. In your time, you can take note of their ways of working and identify ways for you to become an indispensable asset. Talk to your manager or mentor about how you could potentially secure yourself a permanent position at the end of this internship.


The workforce is constantly changing and evolving, which means roles are too. Make sure you are at the top of your game by investing in skills that will help advance your career. If you feel like you might already have the skills, but not the qualification to go with it, consider getting a recognition of prior learning to help boost your credibility.

The key thing is to always be open to new possibilities and make sure you are willing to put in the work to get you the job you have been dreaming of.