Where once working in business meant working in the private sector, a career in business in 2020 can take you into an increasingly diverse range of roles in across every industry.

As an umbrella term ‘business’ covers finance, marketing, management and administration, with a huge variety of specialisations between them. If you’re not working as a skilled health practitioner or tradesperson, the likelihood is you’re already on your way to creating a career in business.

Whether your dream is to become a successful entrepreneur, climb the corporate ladder in a bank, or become the CEO of an international not-for-profit, a formal business qualification can be a great way to carve out a defined path for your career progression.

What is a business qualification?

A business qualification is the formal recognition of the skill, capacity and knowledge you have to take on a certain role. There is a huge range of options when it comes to formal qualifications in business. From entry-level certificates to an MBA (Master of Business Administration), you can find formal learning and qualifications for every level of your career.

Qualifications can be obtained through Tafe, universities and registered training organisations, depending on the level of experience and skill required.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an alternative path to having your existing skills and experience certified to receive a qualification without any additional study, and is an excellent option if you’ve already been working in roles in which you’ve undertaken duties aligning with relevant qualifications.

Understand what area of business you are attracted to.

Before deciding what qualification is right for you, consider the elements of business you are attracted to and what your skill set and strengths are most suited to. Qualifications generally fall into a few categories:

Leadership & Management

Having a qualification in leadership and management opens up senior roles in almost every industry and team. These qualifications will see you developing your skills in processes and people management, and help secure senior-level positions in your chosen area. Leadership & management positions tend to be the highest-paid in any organisation with significant organisational responsibility, governance and resource management.

Qualification Options include:

Operations & Administration

Roles in operations and administration are highly strategic across a range of business functions. A general certificate or diploma in business will cover a variety of operational and administration competencies.

Areas covered may include:

  • Administration
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Business Development
  • Risk Analysis
  • Customer Service & Engagement
  • Finance

Who should do it?

A generalist business qualification is both an excellent entry point, and great for those who enjoy having a broad base of knowledge and the ability to develop and execute strategic and operational initiatives within their teams or business.

Options include:

Specialist qualifications within operations, administration & strategy will help those who want to focus on specific areas to establish their expertise within their field.

Options include:

Once you’re qualified become active in your networks

Let your networks know you are now qualified and open to opportunities. It’s estimated over 70% of roles aren’t advertised, so being proactive in communicating your desired career trajectory within your network is incredibly valuable in accessing opportunities.

Continue to upskill through short courses and industry education initiatives.

The business world is competitive, no matter what industry you’re in. Use your current roles and career development initiatives to continue to upskill through short courses. Attending conferences and industry educational events and seminars is also a great way to continue to develop your knowledge and networks.

To find out if you can get certified for your existing business experience complete the free 60 second skills test.

To find out more about RPL or to get started call our team on 13 17 75 or leave your details on our enquiry form.