Inevitably this led to a huge amount of job loss for hospitality workers, and some very warranted fears about the future of hospitality careers.

But with the industry now in recovery and business returning to a ‘COVID normal’ things are starting to look up. Whether you’re trying to get back into the industry after a job loss or looking to cement your role to protect against future shake-ups; building your career in a recovering industry can feel tough. To help you out we’ve pulled together some of the top tips for you to start strengthening your career path and building your future in hospitality.

Diversify your skillset.

If there is one thing that stood out in 2020 it’s that to withstand a major crisis you need to be adaptable and flexible. On an individual level, this means diversifying your skill set. When businesses had to shift gears and do the inevitable ‘pivot’, more often than not it was the staff that had a diverse skill set that stayed on the books and pushed ahead in their careers.

Skills in areas such as social media management, digital marketing, graphic design, finance and accounting, communications and IT all came in extremely handy and will be sought after in key hospitality candidates in the future.

Look for roles with businesses that adapted well to the pandemic.

On a business level adaptability is still key as it shows a businesses sustainability and ability to evolve and develop in a changing market. Look for roles with hospitality businesses that managed to change, adapt and thrive during the pandemic shift.

These businesses are more likely to have savvy leaders, good work processes and be on top of industry trends and market needs. This will work to support job security and give you excellent experience and exposure to industry leaders and best practice.

Look for roles in domestic hotel brands.

With federal and state governments pushing domestic tourism incentives across the country it’s a great opportunity to carve out your hospitality career within leading domestic hotels.

Look for opportunities with well-known brands that are most likely to be the first to reap the rewards of a domestic tourism boom. Not only will they be the first to pick up business, but they’re also more likely to be in a better financial and strategic position to offer professional development and skills training than smaller businesses getting back on their feet.

Get your existing skills certified to beat the competition.

While it’s true the job market is picking up – it’s still extremely competitive. To get ahead and stand out as a star candidate for desirable jobs consider getting your existing skills certified. There is a huge range of hospitality certifications that will signify to businesses you are a serious and experienced professional ready to work.

From Advanced Hospitality Management to Kitchen Operations, you can get your existing hospitality skills and experience certified with Recognition of Prior Learning – which means no extra study! Explore the Cookery and Hospitality RPL options available and get certified to stand out from the market and build your hospitality career.

To find out how Skills Certified Australia can help get you certified through our partner RTO’s call 13 17 75 or contact us online.