COVID-19 is impacting each and every one of us, especially when it comes to our ability to go to work and earn a living.

The recent nationwide shut down of non-essential services has impacted millions of Australians already. With more shutdowns expected as the pandemic continues to climax the number of Australian’s losing their jobs or struggling with job security and continuity will continue to increase.

To help support you in your efforts to adapt to the current climate, Skills Certified’s friends the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of New South Wales Business School have provided two free short courses.

Whether you’re a business owner struggling to adjust your operations or an employee trying to adapt to a new way of working these two courses can help create the clarity and direction you need to make smart decisions and adapt to your new work climate.


Understanding Change Resistance


Learn about the importance of aligning personal reactions to change with moving forward and adapting through the change.



Dynamic Decision Making


Learn how to ensure you and your organisation are making quality decisions.


It will allow you to understand why decision quality may be lacking and how to take steps to improve the quality of your decisions for the future by focusing on process as much a result.

The courses are part of AGSM @ UNSW’s eLearning modules and have been produced with their partner Guroo Producer and have been specially curated with the kind and generous participation of #AGSM Faculty Patrick Sharry and Rose Trevelyan.