You are  working hard and showing results, but it seems like there is a salary freeze, so the raise you’re expecting is not coming fast enough. There are ways to get a raise without offending your colleagues, making it a win-win situation for your boss and the company. It is a good idea to show tangible results but you should also build on the intangibles that make you a hard and loyal working individual.


Do your research first. Know your own value by looking at reliable sources such as, or and compare salaries. You can negotiate an increase when you know that you are underpaid. Present actual and general data from your work field, but make sure to explain why you believe your performance ranks high in your field.

Know the fair amount

Make it easier for both you and your superior by knowing the fair amount to ask for. Be ready with the reasons to support your request. State whether you’re facing difficulty making ends meet, you want equal pay, to advance your career or to have acknowledgement for your out-of-the-box accomplishments. This is more realistic and opens the conversation rather than being stuck when the boss says there’s a freeze on salary increases, right after you said you want a raise.

Schedule a meeting

Arrange for a meeting and let your boss know that you want to have a little chat about your own career growth. Set the tone by being light, open and friendly. Beforehand, find the time to practice salary negotiations; use a partner, friend or family member to take on the role of a tough negotiator. You can start by saying how much you enjoy working with the company, the challenges from your projects, and the increase in your contribution, roles and responsibilities. End your intro by saying that you want to discuss the possibility of reviewing your compensation. If time is limited, just say that you want to discuss your career development within the organisation and how best to do your work.

Focus on the results

Tell your superior that you are aware of a salary freeze but make the case of why you’re an exception. Concentrate on the positive and big results you have achieved. Allow your supervisor time to review the results and listen to what your they have to say.

State the particulars

Give a range of how much of an increase you want. Back it up with your personal accomplishment log and let your boss know that you will appreciate consideration of your request. Include the last time your salary was reviewed. Be sure to back up your request for an increased salary with specifics. Do your research, bring out your accomplishment files and be prepared to be diplomatic, assertive but never aggressive.