Whether it be uncompleted work, blatant disregard for health and safety standards, or just simple overcharging for basic services, more and more people are demanding certain pieces of information before booking work. In this blog, we explore 8 things that everyone wants to know about their tradies!

#1 Are you registered?

In today’s modern, interconnected era, where every piece of information is available to anyone willing to do a bit of searching online, people generally locate tradies online. To ensure they are dealing with someone reliable, they will want to see that they are ABN registered. By placing this information in a position that is easily visible on your online presence, with proof that it’s genuine, customers will be more willing to trust you.

#2 Are you qualified/trade licensed?

Once they know you are registered, customers still want guarantees you can perform the work you are offering at an acceptable standard. They want to see you have the appropriate qualification and trade license, as well conducting frequent audits to ensure they are compliant with Occupational Health & Safety Standards.

#3 Are you insured?

Knowing you are a registered, certified business is not even half the battle. Today’s customers are savvy to their rights, industry obligations, and what is expected of the people that perform work on their property. Mistakes happen, but people will want to know they are protected from damages by hiring a tradie that has taken suitable measures to insure their work.

#4 Examples of your previous work

At the end of the day, proclamations of best practise and reliable service are merely words on a page. Customers want real-world examples of the exemplary work you have conducted on similar worksites, to know that you will bring similar talents and creativity to their project. By placing a gallery on your website, it will give prospective customers far more confidence in your ability, adding weight to their decision in choosing you as their tradie.

#5 What will you charge?

Trades work usually isn’t cheap, and people like to be able to be able to account for their expenses in advance so they can budget for them. Naturally, the final cost will depend on the specific work conducted, but if an estimation can be provided (i.e. deposits on materials, hourly rates and so forth), it will go a long way to securing their business.

#6 What is your availability?

Some people might require work immediately, or in the distant future. It doesn’t matter how good of a tradie they are, if they aren’t available to do the work when the customer wants them, they won’t be getting the work.

#7 How have you been reviewed?

Again, people need more ways to whittle down their slew of choices to find the best person for them. Where better to go than back online, checking websites like Serviceseeking.com.au to see if your past customers have sung your praises, or expose any of your unflattering traits.

#8 How many years’ experience do you have?

When deciding between a selection of tradie all seemingly equal in their qualifications, it might just be those with more years in the game that secure the contract.