With the right approach, including upskilling and leveraging your experience through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), you can set yourself apart in this competitive industry. Here’s Skills Certified’s roadmap for climbing the concreting career ladder.

Lay the foundation for growth

1. Assess your skills and experience

Start by looking at what you know and what you’ve done. Think about where you can improve or what new skills you could learn. It’s the first step to growing your career.

2. Keep up with industry trends

The concreting industry is constantly changing. New materials, methods, and technologies are emerging. Stay informed about these trends. They could lead to new opportunities.

Pathways to advancement

3. Upskill and keep learning

Never stop learning. Whether it’s mastering the latest in decorative concreting or understanding how to manage projects more effectively, new skills keep you relevant. Look for courses – like our Certificate III in Concreting (CPC30320) Offered By our RTO partners Frontier Training and Technology (RTO: 21244), Noble Training (RTO: 41488), Construction Trades College (RTO: 40250) and
Building Trades Australia (RTO: 30979) – and workshops that fill your knowledge gaps.

4. Formal qualifications through RPL

Skills Certified specialises in turning your work experience into formal qualifications through RPL. This process can boost your career by proving you have the skills and knowledge employers are looking for.

Building your professional network

5. Connect with others in the industry

Your network can be a great source of advice, support, and job opportunities. Join industry groups, attend conferences, and be active on professional social media. These actions can open doors you didn’t know existed.

6. Seek out a mentor

Finding a mentor within the concreting industry can accelerate your career development. A mentor provides invaluable insights, shares experiences, and can guide you through challenges. Their guidance can be a shortcut to achieving your career goals, offering personalised advice that’s hard to find elsewhere.

Setting your sights higher

7. Explore advanced roles

With the right experience and qualifications, many doors open. You might move into supervisory roles, specialise in a certain type of concreting, or even start your own business. Think about where you want to go and make a plan to get there.

8. Prepare for leadership

If you aim to lead, start building your leadership skills now. This might mean taking on more responsibility at work or doing a course in leadership. Being a strong leader can make a big difference in how far you go.

Advancing your concreting career is about more than just putting in the years. It’s about strategic growth, building a network, and making the most of your experience. Skills Certified is here to help you turn your hard work into recognised qualifications, setting you on the path to greater opportunities and success.