If you’re someone who relishes the opportunity to help people grow, develop and find their path in life, a Diploma of Community Services is great way to bring to bring you closer to making that your job. If you’re considering enrolling in the Diploma or you’re approaching your graduation, it can be worthwhile taking stock of the job market and finding out where your qualification can take you. Skills Certified has rounded up a few of the most interesting options for people considering or enrolled in this exciting program. Read on to find out more.

Helping people in communities around the world

A Diploma of Community Services is a truly versatile qualification. Successful completion will see you rocket up the list of preferred candidates for challenging, nurturing jobs such as child protection case worker, education officer, or youth worker. Any role where you will be working intimately with other people, providing emotional support and education is open to someone with this qualification and the right skills. Being the holder of a Diploma of Community Services shows that you’re a person who not only has the willingness but the skills to listen to and understand people’s problems, being able to put yourself in their shows regardless of their background, personal circumstances or life experiences. It’s about building connections with other people, and mentorship or support roles are ideally suited to holders of this qualification.

Broadening your horizons and theirs

The qualification also allows you to specialise in your own area of interest. Many diploma-holders go on to work in the youth justice sector, protecting society’s most vulnerable people, but roles are also available in family support for those who want to help bring people together. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the qualification allows them to participate in their community in a different way as an Aboriginal Family Consultant. This is a role that sees you working closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people around the country, helping to foster a positive cultural identity in each individual. The program also opens doors to careers in chaplaincy or pastoral care, allowing you to help children of all ages grow into strong, emotionally healthy adults. For more information on where a Diploma of Community Services could take you, speak to the team at Skills Certified and let us help you plan out your future.