If you’re finding yourself at a point in your life when you need a change of pace, making the switch can be hard. Between working for a living and juggling other responsibilities, finding the time to get the education you need to reskill and start a new career can be nearly impossible. But that doesn’t have to stop you. Many people are discovering that just by working odd jobs or taking on a new role at their current place of business, they’re qualified to make the switch to an entirely new career path. Thanks to the recognition of prior learning framework, you can get a nationally-recognised qualification with little to no additional education on your part. Read on to find out how you could be beginning the career of your dreams sooner, not later in our blog.

Finding the right institution

There’s no ‘trick’ to getting you prior learning recognised; it just takes an awareness of what you’ve learned in life. A successful application for an RPL merely takes an understanding of how the skills you’ve picked up in your current role and in other areas of your life line up with national training programs. Think about what you’ve enjoyed doing at work or what side jobs you’ve volunteered for – these can be a great starting point for thinking about what to investigate. Many people looking to exit employment in industries such as defence, logistics, loss prevention or policing already have the skills needed to acquire a nationally-recognised qualification with no gap training. A common example is someone in the Australian Army. Many former soldiers are stunned to discover that much of what they’ve learned as part of advancing to ranks like corporal or sergeant or as part of their duties as a quartermaster is wholly transferrable into a national qualification, setting them up for entry in a new career path at a level that reflects their experience.

Your path to employment

You don’t need to travel to attend the best school in your industry or set aside nights and weekends for online education. Simply speak to the team at Skills Certified and find out how we could help you into a new career path sooner than you ever thought possible. Get in touch with the team at our Sydney headquarters and discuss your next career move with the RPL professionals.