Becoming a mechanical engineer is an extremely rewarding career, offering the individual a broad range of highly versatile skills that will steer them well into the future. A broad area of study encompassing everything from materials sciences to physics to engineering, it’s a role for a particular kind of person. If you’re looking to become a mechanical engineer, there are a number of pathways open to you. To help you make more informed decisions in your education and for your career, we’ve prepared this short article laying out a few of the more important steps a prospective mechanical engineer could take. Read on and prepare yourself for your new career.

Making the right decisions

There are a number of certificate and diploma courses that offer prospective mechanical engineers a strong pathway into this rewarding field. Depending on your particular areas of interest and expertise and your desired occupation, you may wish to enrol in a Certificate III In Engineering – Mechanical Trade, a Certificate IV In Engineering, a Diploma Of Engineering Technology or an Advanced Diploma Of Engineering Technology. Between these four courses are career pathways to everything from machining to mechatronics engineering. Whether you prefer a more hands-on approach to your work or if you’d prefer to move into a more conceptual role will largely determine which course will most interest you. If you’ve previously worked as a mechanical engineer or in a related field without qualifications, you may be entitled to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning. This is a process administered by a training institution that allows you to receive a qualification without going through the entire course. The institution will assess the skills you’ve naturally acquired through your career against the training outcomes set by a certificate or diploma. Afterwards, may be recommended to undergo certain units of gap training, and if successful you may receive your qualification at a vastly reduced cost of time and money.

Extending your education

After you’ve got your qualification, don’t stop there. Mechanical engineering is an ever-evolving field and the Australian job market is one that rewards those who invest in continued education. Investigate courses you can take through your workplace or through training institutions. It’s often these small courses offering specialised skills that make all the difference during a job application. Get your career as a mechanical engineer off to a great start and start a conversation with the team at Skills Certified today.