After feedback from the VET sector, however, it was found that certain RTOs across the nation would be unable to meet this deadline, due to a greater amount of trainers and assessors accessing gap training, and therefore an unfulfillable demand for the assessment and issue of relevant documentation. In response to this, the deadline has been extended to 1 July 2019.

The Changes

The upgrade to TAE40116 centres around the initiative to ensure that all VET workers are equipped with the necessary skills to conduct their roles to appropriate standards. Certificate IV in Training and Assessment’s core units have therefore been updated to also teach ‘design and develop assessment tools’ and ‘address adult language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills’. These changes to training and assessment credential requirements have been approved by the Skills Minister in accordance with those made to the TAE Training Package in April 2016.

Higher Qualification Exemptions

If you are a trainer or assessor that holds a diploma or a qualification to a higher degree in adult education, it is likely you will not need to undergo any further training to satisfy these new requirements. That being said, RTOs, trainers and assessors are still responsible to demonstrate capabilities of all industry skills required.

Repercussions of Missing the Deadline

If an individual is unsuccessful in obtaining the new qualifications before 1 July 2019, they may continue to train students, yet only under the supervision of a qualified trainer(s) as per the existing requirements outlined in the Standards 1.17, 1.18, 1.19 and 1.20.

Learn More from Industry Professionals

Are you concerned about the new deadline, or don’t fully understand your obligations regarding the upgrade to TAE40116? Find out more information regarding the new trainer and assessor credential requirements applying from 1 July 2019 with the industry experts at Skills Certified. Contact us today by calling our offices on 13 17 75. We are always happy to help.