Whilst initial training can go a long way to prepare workers for what lies ahead of them when they first enter the industry, as time passes, a slew of superior practises and information may come to light that needs to be learnt. It is to ensure that all VET teachers and training remain at the forefront of their field, and can provide the highest quality education to those in their care.

For over 15 years, VELG Training has been providing quality programs for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) across the country. In this blog, Skills Certified Australia discuss what can be learnt at the upcoming 2019 VELG conference to be held on 12 & 13 September at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.

RTO Management & Compliance

Hear from some of the best in the industry as they outline the common factors successful organisations have to consistently rise above their competitors, move past mere compliance to focus on quality service, and possess the capacity to offer new opportunities to students. Also, as cash flows have become a major issue for many RTOs, attendees will hear insights into funding, profitability, payments, invoice timing and collection. RTOs are a substantial investment, after all, so it is important to provide regular reports of monitoring and financial review for the peace of mind from stakeholders. For further assistance, attendees will also be given practical, proven tools in regard to innovation and compliance to give their operations an edge in becoming the best education providers they can be.

Training and Assessing

Attendees will be given the chance to discover practical strategies surrounding digital tools that will remove barriers that could otherwise prevent students from progressing with literacy demands. This is so students become less reliant on institutional support, developing necessary skills within personalised programs so they can engage in their own later learning. Alongside this, attendees will also take part in training using dynamic thinking tools, practicing everything from getting introverted students to contribute, to improving co-operation amongst staff members.

Learn More About the Annual VELG Conference

Skills Certified Australia is proud to work with VELG and RTO’s around the country to bring out the best in the industry. If you would like to learn more, contact our helpful team today.