The amount of physicality involved, not to mention contending with often-harsh environments and dirtied practises, leaves them thankful they can go to a comfortable job behind a desk in an air-conditioned office.

But are they really happy? Do they find the same satisfaction in their efforts than they would seeing a tangible good or service provided? Are they liberated by the sense of autonomy and self-control that comes with running their own business?

In this blog, the team at Skill Certified Australia explore how being a tradie could actually make you far happier than other professions.

Societal Shortcomings

Society has slowly built upon stereotypes and outdated presumptions that, to work in the trades industries, a person must be either under-educated or less ambitious than their counterparts in more ‘professional’ occupations, such as doctors, lawyers, and accountants. But one’s occupation should never be a reflection of their intelligence, merely – if they’re lucky – their vocation, or at least interests. We have all encountered wise tradies and moronic professionals, and both lines of work have mundane and complicated aspects that demand ingenuity to overcome. When our peers and family pressure us into professions purely because they are ‘more respected’ than others, and not necessarily because we enjoy them, then it is hardly going to bring us more happiness.

Earnings & Freedom

With the last point in mind, it is hard to imagine how choosing a profession over a trade purely based on ‘respect’ is a ‘smart’ choice for your future. Professions are overly saturated, meaning newcomers are forced to work long stints as interns, then longer hours with low pay (if they are lucky enough to even secure a position), and must wait years before they have any semblance of self-control and lucrative payment strategies. Tradies, on the other hand, complete their apprenticeships and move into industries that are crying out for workers, earning them comparatively more, while also having the option to work at their own pace.

Visible Benefit

It is rare for those in a profession to find direct benefit in their work, and thereby feel satisfaction from their efforts. Especially for those in lower level positions within accounting companies, law firms and other professional workplaces, it can become very easy to feel like an insignificant cog in a greater machine, barely making an impact or providing a service to the world. Those working in a trade, however, can see the result of their efforts right from the start, and are frequently rewarded with the sense that they are making a difference in their clients’ lives.