Question 1: ‘Tell Us About Yourself’

This one is tricky. It looks like your interviewers are easing you into the questioning, but this is actually one of their most probing tactics to get to know their future co-worker/subordinate. Remembers, interviewers want to know why you are the best fit for a role, not anything disturbingly quirky. Everyone has their flaws and embarrassing traits, but those are best learnt with time. That being said, if you share too little personal information, you might come off as cagey. Keep it at personal interests, brief history, experiences, qualifications and your main drivers. Perhaps even a tame, yet humorous anecdote to make things a little more interesting.

Question 2: ‘What Made You Leave/Want to Leave Your Current Role?

It’s only natural potential employers want to learn some information on your previous positions, at the very least for some perspective on your application (at the most to see if you’re liable to burn the building down). When asked this, keep it simple and to the point, without any bad-mouthing, disparaging, or negative emotions. Statistically speaking, employers rarely want to hire complainers.

Question 3: ‘What Drove You to Apply for this Job?’

Here is your time to shine. Prove to your interviewer that you have done your research on their company, the role, and all of the responsibilities that are attached to it. By demonstrating your understanding, you will impart some convincing energy onto your interviewer as to why you are a good fit. After all, they wish to bring aboard passionate, motivated candidates as much as they do qualified ones.

Question 4: ‘How Do You Handle Stress and Pressure?’

When the going gets tough, your interviewer wants to make sure you aren’t the type to get going. But don’t over-sell it. They’re people too, so if you claim to never suffer from stress, they won’t believe you. Instead, explain your processes on how you acknowledge stress and how you overcome it, rather than being swallowed by it.

Question 5: ‘What Are Your Future Goals?’

Unless they operate in an industry with an extraordinarily high turnover, companies are looking to hire people who want to stick around and progress within their organisation, not jump ship when a new opportunity strikes their fancy. To deter them from such thinking, convince them of how not only the position, but their business as a whole, aligns with your future goals.