A resume can be a great window in observing a candidates past experiences, and a detailed description of how and why they think they are perfect for the job role, BUT an interview is where the employer can really view you as a person, your personality traits and characteristics. You can sound like the perfect employee on paper, but if you head into an interview unprepared and unconfident, you could lose the opportunity altogether.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Preparation is your best friend, and here we have concluded the 10 best websites that will help you to become fully equipped and confident walking into the interview room to meet your (hopefully) future employer.

  1. Ambition Box


This website is great to get insider information about a company or business before you head to the interview. Current employees of the company can share information onto the website such as their salaries, reviews about the company/business and most importantly various tips and advice for what to expect in the interview process. This insider knowledge is key in giving insight into how a company operates, to be able to best prepare for the interview and feel more confident and organised.

  1. Glassdoor


This site is one of the best out there for interview preparation. Like Ambition Box, previous employees can anonymously post insider information about the company and interview tips and tricks, but Glassdoor takes it one step further by even telling you exactly what interview questions were asked and what the interviewer liked and disliked about what the potential employee said during the interview. You can’t really get better prep than that!

  1. GeeksforGeeks


GeeksforGeeks is a site specifically for those interviewing for roles in Technology. Almost all technology interviewing processes involve a coding test and GeeksforGeeks is specifically designed to practice coding from simple practice questions to expert level study. They also have some information about what kind of questions to expect at some firms! Practice makes perfect, and practice means outsmarting and impressing your employer.

  1. Leetcode


Another one for our coding jobseekers out there, Leetcode is the elite in coding interview preparation. Similar to GeeksforGeeks, but Leetcode also have an online judge to coach you through the questions. It uses a variety of coding languages to get the specific help you need including C, C++, C#, Java, Python, and JavaScript.

  1. Gainlo


Gainlo claims to double your chance of getting hired! So, if you’re looking for Engineering interview prep, Gainlo is your go to. You can take mock interviews to get yourself used to the interview set-up and receive feedback from professional interviewers straight away to know what you did well and areas for improvement. You can ask any questions and get real-time answers, so get practicing!

  1. CareerCup


CareerCup is mainly focused around interview preparation in the field of Software Engineering and Programming, but they add new career fields all the time. It is fantastic for practicing generic and also more specific questions with their interactive interview questions tool where you can grab useful feedback straight away and filter coding questions by companies, categories, positions, etc.

  1. Zety Blog


Zety Blog is huge hub of interview preparation to smash any interview in any sector. They have generic and specific career advice, interview tips and guidance to lead you to success. Additionally, if you also need resume help, they have exceptional resume building advice as well which is key to presenting yourself confidently prior to an interview.

  1. Quora


Once you’ve signed up, Quora gets you geared up for interview with their question-answer feature. Ask any question and get it answered by insider experts from all over the world in a number of different fields, interests and cultures. With thousands of preparation tips, resources and FAQs to view as well you won’t feel in the dark going into an interview again. Any question, answered, any time.

  1. HackerRank


HackerRank is used by interviewees and interviewers alike. It is unique in the way that employers can actually access the website and interact with potential interviewees. The website has a contest feature, where candidates can display their capabilities by competing with others and being ranked for their successes. This is a quick and easy way in which employers can see your potential before you even go to interview as the best in the business for the role.

  1. Indiabix


Indiabix has many different resources to best prepare you for interview, you can read aptitude questions and answers for your interview and also practice entrance exam questions. From online tests to general current affairs knowledge, IndiaBix has everything you need to help you confidently rock your interview and impress your employer.

Written by Sophie Cunningham; 16th September 2020