Coming off the back of a particularly unstable, hard and confusing year, many of us are looking to 2021 as a new start and opportunity to make some changes in our professional lives.
Whether you’re planning on chasing down your dream job, want to score a pay rise or are ready to start a business, getting your existing certified should be high on your priority list. Why? Here are five of the top reasons:
1. The job market is more competitive than ever
Around the world, 2020 marked a huge increase in unemployment, and Australia was no exception. While the establishment of a COVID-normal has softened the blow somewhat with more and more hospitality venues opening up and businesses stabilising new models and ways of working, unemployment is expected to remain high over the coming years.
This means the job market is more competitive than ever, and more often than not employers will, unfortunately, opt for candidates with official certification. If you are out of work or looking to move jobs take the time to get your skills certified to ensure you give yourself the best chance of successfully landing a new role.
2. Employees have learnt more new skills than ever
As workplaces hustled to adapt to the changes of 2020 many employees were thrown in the deep end, learning on the go as they adapted to new technology, business models, processes and roles. Sound familiar? If you found yourself taking over someone else’s duties, learning new jobs and working outside the normal scope of your role you may be able to get your new skills certified.
3. Employers are looking for more dynamic and versatile employees
On the flip side of employees incidentally learning new skills, workplaces have adapted to create new roles and are consequently looking for more dynamic and versatile employees. More and more retail, hospitality, construction and health and beauty operators are looking for employees with additional skills in IT, people and culture, data management, sales and marketing and management. So if you’re looking to change employers or want to start shifting in a new direction consider what you can bring to the table as a versatile employee and formalise your knowledge.
4. You can earn more money
On average employees who have a formal qualification earn more than their counterparts who have the same skills and experience but lack the formal certification. So if financial progress is on your list for 2021 start thinking about getting certified. Not only can it help in your current workplace when going for promotions and pay raises, but it will also increase your negotiating power when you’re looking for new positions and employers.
5. Secure your position
If the past year has taught us anything it is that nothing is permanent and everything can change. When businesses are faced with uncertainty it’s far too often unqualified workers who are the first to go. Although there is no way to ever guarantee your job or safeguard against unexpected global and economic events – you can certainly do your best. Getting qualified can help build in your perceived value for both new and existing employers and goes a long way to ensuring your future job security.
To find out more about RPL or to get started call our team on 13 17 75 or leave your details on our enquiry form.