RPL is an excellent way to achieve formal qualifications without studying things you already know! Plus, it can be a much more cost-effective way to get certified which is always a huge bonus. So, if it’s on your radar take these top 3 tips to heart before you get started to make the most out of your certification process.

Tip 1: Write down your ‘why’

The RPL process can be a great alternative to study for those who have already got the skills and experience, but it still takes a bit of effort. To make sure you’re in the right frame of mind to begin with, and to keep you going when you’re struggling for time write down your ‘why’. Your ‘why’ is essentially the reason you’re going to pay money and spend time going through the RPL process – in other words it’s the carrot on the end of your stick.

Are you doing it to get a dream job? A pay rise? Create opportunities for your family? Open a business? Whatever it is, write it down and keep it visible so when you inevitably have to hunt around for some paperwork or sit down to organise your portfolio of evidence you know exactly why you’re doing it!

Tip 2: If appropriate let your workplace and colleagues know you are going through the process

Part of the RPL process is pulling together evidence of your skills, work and experience. This whole process is a lot easier if you have people around you who can support your efforts and help with ideas on what you can use to build your portfolio. If it feels appropriate and comfortable for you sharing the process with your work colleagues can be hugely beneficial as they can help by providing images, testimonials, references and examples of your work, and keeping you motivated and supported throughout the process.

Tip 3: Communicate regularly with your facilitators – they are there to help!

We’re here for a reason! Time and time again we follow up clients who have maybe gone quiet during their RPL process because they’ve got stuck with a piece of paperwork, or aren’t sure what to use as evidence in their portfolio – or any other number of questions they have. We’re here to help and we have seen it all so we usually have some pretty quick and easy solutions for you! Even before you start the RPL process we are here to answer any and all of your questions and to do what we can to make it a valuable and rewarding experience for you.

You’ll usually have the same facilitator for the full process and our SCA facilitators are an extremely friendly and knowledgeable bunch, so you won’t be doing it all alone!

Don’t let the unknown hold you back – if you’re ready to get started on the RPL process give our team a call on 13 17 75 or contact us online.