Marketing has come a long way in the last decade, with new trends and techniques constantly taking the industry by storm. What does this mean for your trades business?

It means there are countless new and exciting ways to promote your business and secure more customers and jobs.

Let’s explore some of the most effective ways to market your trades business.


This one might not be new, but it’s definitely exciting. Word-of-mouth has been, and still is, one of the most trusted marketing techniques available to your business. Satisfied customers will share their positive experience with others, but it’s up to you to ensure they receive an outstanding and memorable experience.

Word-of-mouth tends to happen naturally, however, you can also encourage happy customers to write reviews on your website, for Google reviews or on your social media platforms.

Be social

Social media is another effective and inexpensive way to promote your business to a large audience, while keeping your current customers engaged. Maintain a strong social presence and use your chosen platforms to positively represent your business, your team and the projects you work on.

Don’t overcommit and attempt to take charge of every single social platform. Establish where your audience hangs out the most and invest your time into producing quality content for your chosen channels.

Custom decals and signage

Engage a graphic designer to help create your brand logo and showcase it to the local community. Get custom decals created for your work vehicles and they’ll instantly become an important piece of advertising. It’s also useful to place signage at your worksites.

Create an alliance

Network within the industry and establish mutually beneficial partnerships with other tradesmen who offer different services to the same clients. If your services go hand-in-hand, you can recommend each other for jobs.

Set up your Google My Business listing

This is a free and easy way to make your business visible to customers searching for your service in the local area. These listings are displayed at the top of the Google search results page and include all the important details about your business such as name, address and contact details.

Local SEO

If the industry is competitive in your local area, SEO can be very beneficial in boosting your ranking on search engine results pages. The higher you rank, the more credibility you’re perceived to have and the more likely potential customers are to click on your website.

Build a user-friendly website

If you’re driving customers towards your business’ website, it’s important they’re landing on an informative web page that’s easy to navigate. Your website doesn’t need to include all the bells and whistles, but it should be a strong representation of your brand and clearly present the services you offer.

If you’re interested in learning more techniques to boost your business, read our article on the latest marketing trends.

Get qualified

An industry-recognised certification is the first step in qualifying as a professional tradesman. Do you want to obtain your builders licence? Working with our partner RTOs, our professional RPL service is here to help you. We make it simple and stress-free to receive recognition of the skills and experience you’ve gained in your trade or in the workforce. Start by checking out some of the building and construction qualifications available.

Want to find out if you’re eligible for RPL? Take our FREE 30-second skills check.