It’s useful for builders looking to obtain their contractor’s licence, and who are yet to meet the required subjects and qualifications. While you may have decided to become a tradesman to avoid years at university and a hefty debt; there are still building and construction qualifications available to you that will really benefit your career.
Thankfully, they’re much faster to achieve, and with recognition of prior learning (RPL), you could be certified within a month.
How long does it take to gain your qualification with RPL?
RPL is a process designed to streamline your qualification, reducing the need to take time off work and undertake coursework in the areas you hold prior knowledge in. You can learn more about what RPL means and how it can help you here.
If you were to study a Certificate IV in Building and Construction – CPC40110 without, the course could take you years to complete.
RPL uses a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate your past work experience. Thiswill allow you to gain your formal qualification in a much shorter timeframe than completing a full course
How long does it take to build a portfolio?
With the help of a dedicated Skills Certified Consultant, you can compile evidence of your skills and experience quickly. We’ll support you in clearly identifying the documentation you require to showcase your skills.
What if I need to upskill?
If the RTO’s assessor identifies any gaps in your knowledge, they may allocate you a trainer to help you upskill. This is free and won’t take long as you’re only upskilling in certain areas, as opposed to completing an entire course.
Benefits of getting your qualification using the RPL process
RPL has many benefits for those seeking a nationally recognised qualification.
- It reduces time studying or attending classes for things you already know
- It recognises the skills and experience you’ve acquired on the job
- It will save you money
- You can continue to earn money while gaining your qualification
If you’ve been delaying getting certified because you’re under the impression it’s a timely exercise, use RPL to fast-track your qualification. A building and construction qualification will not only make you employable throughout the whole of Australia, but it could also help youobtain your builder’s licence. Depending on your state.
You can read more about the benefits of a Certificate IVinBuilding and Construction – CPC40110here.
Start the RPL process today
There are just four easy steps involved in RPL and the first is your free skills check . After we’ve developed a pathway to achieving your qualification, we’ll work alongside you to build your portfolio. The RTO will assess your portfolio and if deemed competent, come back to you with a formal qualification, or a few final steps that need to be fulfilled.
If you’re ready to achieve your Certificate IVin Building and Construction – CPC40110, get in touch with the Skills Certified team today or take our free 60 second skill check. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be formally qualified!