• Construction managers
  • Civil engineering professionals
  • Early childhood teachers
  • Registered nurses
  • ICT (information and communications technology) business and systems analysts
  • Software and applications programmers
  • Electricians
  • Chefs
  • Child carers
  • Age and disability carers

Construction industry workers in high demand

The construction industry in Australia is booming and the demand for workers is expected to rise over the next few years. Construction managers are in high demand due to their ability to manage a construction site, complete projects on time and within budget, and ensure all safety regulations are met. Civil engineering professionals are in high demand due to our vast system of roads, bridges, dams and other infrastructure.

In-demand trades

With the building and construction industry boom, it’s not just electricians that are in demand. Painters, plumbers and carpenters are also in high demand due to the increase of projects occurring across Australia.

The manufacturing sector is also looking for workers with welding and fabrication skills as well as industrial mechanics.

How to get your existing skills recognised

With so many jobs available, now is the perfect time to consider a career change. If you have the skillset for any one of these professions, now may be the ideal opportunity to pursue it. The demand for workers in these fields is only going to increase, so if you have the skills but not the qualifications, you can fast-track your certification through RPL.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the process of acquiring a formal, nationally recognised qualification or skill set by demonstrating existing knowledge and skills acquired through life experience. By undertaking an RPL assessment, you can gain qualifications quicker and become immediately job-ready for the in-demand trades in Australia.

Skills Certified Australia can  help guide you through the RPL process if you are looking to bolster your qualifications and enter a booming trade. For example, if you have experience in the construction industry, or in project management, you might be able to get RPL towards an Advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management) CPC60220 awarded by Australian Industrial Systems Institute (RTO: 21916).

Once we have assessed your skills, we’ll match you with an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) that offers the qualifications you need and support you throughout the entire process.

So, if you’re considering a career change in 2023, contact Skills Certified Australia to get started on the pathway to success.