You’ve got the skills, the knowledge, and the hands-on experience that speak volumes. But here’s the thing – in today’s competitive job market, experience alone might not be enough to unlock the full potential of your career.

That’s where the Certificate III Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 awarded by Intech Institute of Training (RTO: 30100) comes into play. It’s the secret weapon that can skyrocket your professional prospects, bolster your earning potential, and elevate you from being overlooked to being in high demand.

If you’re ready to go from “good” to “exceptional,” from “replaceable” to “indispensable,” here’s where this qualification can take you:

Better Pay and Job Security

With a Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922, you position yourself for better pay and enhanced job security. Employers highly value certified professionals who possess the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field. By obtaining this qualification, you demonstrate your competence and become a valuable asset to the industry, leading to higher earning potential and increased job stability.

FIFO (Fly-In Fly-Out) Work

For those seeking a dynamic work environment with the opportunity to travel, a Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 can open doors to FIFO work. Many industries, such as mining and construction, require skilled tradespeople who can work on a fly-in fly-out basis. This allows you to work on projects in different locations, enjoy competitive remuneration packages, and experience a unique lifestyle.

Promotions and Career Advancement

The Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 serves as a stepping stone for career advancement. With this qualification, you gain the necessary skills and knowledge to take on more challenging roles and responsibilities within your field. Employers often seek individuals committed to their professional growth and those who have the qualifications to support their progression. By obtaining this certificate, you increase your chances of securing promotions and advancing your career.

Increased Employability: Being qualified in the field gives you a competitive edge in today’s job market. A Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 makes you more employable as it demonstrates your commitment to professionalism and your ability to meet industry standards. Employers are more likely to consider candidates with the necessary qualifications, giving you an advantage over non-certified individuals.

Wide Range of Career Options: The possibilities are vast for those who hold a Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922. This qualification opens doors to various job roles, including:

  • Boilermaker: Skilled in fabricating, assembling, and repairing metal structures.
  • Motor Mechanic (General): Specialized in servicing and repairing a range of motor vehicles.
  • Fitter and Turner: Experienced in assembling, repairing, and maintaining machinery and mechanical equipment.
  • Toolmaker: Proficient in designing, manufacturing, and repairing precision tools and components.
  • Welder: Highly skilled in joining metals using various welding techniques.
  • Sheetmetal Worker (First class): Knowledgeable in fabricating and installing sheet metal components and structures.

By pursuing a career in one of these fields, you can find fulfillment and job satisfaction while enjoying the benefits that come with a Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922.

Obtaining a Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a convenient pathway for experienced individuals looking to formalize their skills and gain the qualification. RPL allows you to showcase your existing knowledge and expertise, saving you time and effort.

Here’s how you can pursue the certification through RPL:

Free Skills Assessment:

Engage with a reputable RPL provider, such as Skills Certified Australia, who will conduct a free skills assessment to evaluate your existing skills and experience. This assessment helps determine if you have the required competency to qualify for the Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 through their partner RTO.

Gather Evidence:

Once you have established your suitability for RPL, the next step is to gather evidence that demonstrates your competence in the required areas. This evidence may include work samples, portfolios showcasing your completed projects, designs, or fabrication work, reference letters from employers or clients, certificates, licenses, qualifications obtained throughout your career, and any relevant industry-specific training or courses completed.

Portfolio Assessment:

The partner RTO will assign a qualified assessor to review your evidence and assess your competence against the units of competency required for the Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922. The assessor may request additional information or conduct interviews to validate your skills and knowledge.

Gap Training (If required): In some cases, there may be gaps identified between your existing skills and the competency requirements of the certificate. If necessary, the RTO can offer gap training or suggest additional courses or assessments to bridge these gaps. This ensures you meet the required standards and can successfully complete the RPL process.

Certification: Once your portfolio has been assessed, and any necessary gap training has been completed, you will be awarded the Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922. This certification is nationally recognised and carries the same value as a qualification obtained through traditional full-time study.

By pursuing the Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 through RPL, experienced professionals can gain the recognition they deserve for their skills and expertise. It provides a streamlined pathway to formal qualifications, enabling you to enhance your career prospects, increase employability, and access better opportunities within the engineering and fabrication industry.

Remember, Skills Certified Australia’s RPL process is designed to support individuals with substantial industry experience in achieving the certification they deserve. Don’t let your expertise go unnoticed—leverage the RPL pathway to earn the Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade – MEM31922 and take your career to new heights.

Take our FREE 60 second skills check to see if you qualify for RPL.